BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:AddEvent BEGIN:VEVENT UID:55e62f5c3ae64 DTSTAMP;TZID=UTC:20240506T142320Z DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240608T000000ZZ SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240608T030000ZZ LOCATION:Red Bicycle Hall SUMMARY:John Moreland w/ Ken Pomeroy (Madison, IN) DESCRIPTION:John Moreland w/ Ken PomeroyFriday, June 7th, 2024 | 8:00pm \n \n \n \nJohn Moreland is coming back to Madison, IN after selling out Red Bicycle Hall last year. You WILL NOT want to miss one of the best songwriters living! \nDOORS: 7:00pmKEN POMEROY: 8:00pmJOHN MORELAND: 9:15pm \nSeating is first come first serve if you didn't purchase (first 5 rows ticket) \nHope to see you there and thank you for the support! \nALL AGES but full bar for 21+ ONLY \nAbout John Moreland \n \nJohn Moreland doesn’t have the answers, and he’s not sure anyone does. But he’s still curious, basking in the comfort of a question, and along the way, those of us listening feel moved to ask our own. “I don’t ever want to sound like I have answers, because I don’t,” he says. “These songs are all questions. Everything I write is just trying to figure stuff out.” \nMoreland is discussing his new album Birds in the Ceiling, a nine-song collection that offers the most comprehensive insight into the thoughts and sounds swimming around in his head to date. A compelling blend of acoustic folk and avant garde pop playfulness, Birds in the Ceiling lives confidently in a space of its own, enriched by tradition but never encumbered by it. The songwriting that has stunned fans and critics alike since 2015’s High on Tulsa Heat remains potent, while the sonic evolution that unfolds on the record feels like a natural expansion of 2020’s acclaimed LP5. \nThe New Yorker, Pitchfork, Fresh Air, Paste, GQ, and others have embraced Moreland’s meditative songs, while performances on The Late Show with Stephen Colbert, CBS This Morning, NPR Tiny Desk Concert, and more have introduced Moreland to millions. And yet, while the Tulsa-based Moreland is grateful for the respect and musical conversation he’s now having with people around the world, he is also more focused on the idea of just talking to one person––or even himself. “Through the years, I’ve felt like I’m increasingly talking to myself in my songs, more and more,” he says. “Maybe in the past, I wasn’t aware of it, but now, I am. I think doing that has helped me be less hard on myself, which makes you more generous and compassionate in general.” \nThat helps explain why even if Moreland is reaching out to someone else, there is no judgment. “I’m in the same boat with whoever I’m talking to,” Moreland says. \nMoreland’s songs do feel intimate––like overheard conversations or solitary meditations. “I want to talk one-on-one to someone in a song,” he says. “I don’t want to address a group, really, because I think that’s when it’s easy to start pontificating––and it gets less honest.” \nOn Birds in the Ceiling, Moreland’s singing contributes to the feelings of hushed intimacy. Wielding a warm, sandpaper soul voice, Moreland got used to singing loudly as he began playing in bars, fighting to be heard over chattering crowds. “When I first started singing, I was very self-conscious about it,” he says. “I think I tried to affect my voice more. Singing loud could be a security blanket sometimes. On the new album, on a lot of the songs I was definitely making a conscious effort to sing quieter––almost whisper.” \nProduced by Matt Pence and Moreland, Birds in the Ceiling is dynamic: a folk record that refuses to stay in its lane. It’s the second album for Pence with Moreland, who sees the former––a Denton, Texas-based engineer, producer, and drummer––as an ideal musical partner. “We have a lot of the same influences, and I have been really influenced by his bands,” Moreland says. “It feels really effortless.” \n \nAbout Ken Pomeroy \n \nOklahoma native, Ken Pomeroy, brings an earthy presence to the world of Folk/Americana music. Pomeroy has long captivated audiences through her unfeigned storytelling and seasoned musicianship at a young age. Although she garnered numerous national and international accolades between 2015 and 2022, Ken focuses on carving out a more veritable path for herself as a flourishing artist. \nInfluenced by John Denver, Buck Meek, Jake Xerxes Fussell, and Gillian Welch, Ken is inspired by the voices of a preceding generation. A skilled guitarist and versatile session musician, she has lent her musical ability to projects by artists such as Wilderado, Kyle Nix of the Turnpike Troubadours, J.R. Carroll and others. \nToday, Ken Pomeroy embraces her journey as an artist with a renewed sense of honesty and self-discovery. Her unique sound, anchored in her Native American heritage, resonates with fans who value genuine, raw talent and the intimate connection only music can foster. \n \n END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR