BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:AddEvent BEGIN:VEVENT UID:55e62f5c3ae64 DTSTAMP;TZID=UTC:20250126T015656 DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20250321T000000Z SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE DTEND;TZID=UTC:20250321T020000Z LOCATION:Red Bicycle Hall SUMMARY:Drag Bingo with Tova UraVitch DESCRIPTION:Drag Bingo w/ Tova UraVitch \nThursday, March 20th, 2025 | 8-10pm | FREE \nRed Bicycle Hall - 125 E. Main Street, Madison, IN 47250 \n \n \nPFLAG Hanover/Madison presents:Drag Bingo hosted by the multi-title/crown winning Tova UraVitch! \nDoors open at 8:00pm. Bingo starts at 8:15pm \nNo cover charge or cost to play, but donations to support PFLAG Hanover/Madison's LGBTQ+ youth and community outreach are happily accepted. \nPlay for fun and gift cards to your favorite area businesses! \nPlease register through MadTix. Registration is free and helps us keep a head count of potential attendees. \nOutside food is welcome! Cash bar available as well. \n**Please be advised: This event is recommended 18+ due to language and suggestive humor** \n \nBONUS: Bring an item off the Recovery Cafe "Needs List" and DOUBLE your bingo cards! \nNeeds List: \n \nCoffee \nSugar \nCreamer \nStir sticks \nDisposable coffee cups \nDisposable plates \nDisposable bowls \nPlastic forks \nWater \nSoda \nPens \nBooks \n \n END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR