BEGIN:VCALENDAR VERSION:2.0 PRODID:AddEvent BEGIN:VEVENT UID:55e62f5c3ae64 DTSTAMP;TZID=UTC:20240222T151017 DTSTART;TZID=UTC:20240314T170000Z SEQUENCE:0 TRANSP:OPAQUE DTEND;TZID=UTC:20240314T190000Z LOCATION:Jefferson County Historical Society SUMMARY:The Fascinator Experience DESCRIPTION:The Fascinator ExperienceThursday, March 14th | 1-3pm | $75 \n \nPresented by the Southern Indiana Folk SchoolJoin us for a unique, creative experience with acclaimed Master Milliner and 5 time Featured Milliner of the Kentucky Derby, Jenny Pfanenstiel. Jenny of Forme Millinery will lead you in creating your own unique fascinators in time for the 150th anniversary of The Run for the Roses! In this 2-hour workshop, Jenny will lead you in designing and constructing a unique headpiece that will be the perfect addition to a Derby or Easter outfit. No design knowledge or skills necessary. *AGE RESTRICTIONS - Participants should be at least 16 years old. \n*DEADLINE - Tickets must be purchased by February 11th, 2024! \n END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR